MacroBoost’s Formulations

Application Program Rationale

What we set out to achieve with the programed use of our formulations is to rebuild diverse and sustainable microbial populations, and establish a healthy soil profile.
 We are not necessarily looking to add nutrients, more to try and build on the natural nutrient cycling through biological activity.
We are trying to get away from a purely “product” state of mind, to more of a “natural process” approach as the starting point to soil health and sustainable productivity.

The MacroBoost Application Program Rationale is about:

  • Providing “Background Microbial Populations” which are adaptable to most environmental / soil types and which involves and enables nutrient cycling and the creation / promotion of integral symbiotic relationships within the inoculating formulation.
  • Providing “Functional Microbial Formulations” which give an extended capacity for certain specific functions which are often lacking in certain soils/conditions. (e.g. ability to solubilise P, ability to fix N, ability to fix / sequester carbon, ability to pass on calcium, ability to provide ferrous compounds for other microbial activity)

With this perspective, and looking at any program outline, we like to see an initial application of our biological formulations with and at least one follow up application. The first application we would suggest does have some nutrients and is formulated as a “starter culture”.
A second or follow up application is to bring in “new generational” activity, and build on the early establishment of the cultures from the first inoculation / application

Certainly it may also be necessary to add specific blends of minerals, to help balance a soil’s macro and micro nutrient profile for a particular cropping regime. The use of quality soil testing laboratories to provide a snapshot of what may be in a soil at a given time, is an essential tool to ascertain what may be needed, however our view is of course, that without an active soil biology, the application and uptake of nutrients is often “limited, locked up, or lost.”